Call of duty: Modern Warfare Season_3
Call of duty: Modern warfare season3 updates are out. The patch notes are available here and they have added some new features bug fixes and maps along with warzones and weapons updates.
In this Modern war fear season3 update on of the biggest change is for the multiplayer mode. The cost has been increased by $600 and $8500 to $10,000/- most useful features, the loadout drop. Many worldwide players remarked that the loadout drop cost negatively affected the game balance, the higher price point would smooth thing over.
Being warzones loadout drop is unique features this feature allows the to player call in an airdrop that comes with an already made loadout of weapons and times that the player has all unlocked. Which can be incredibly useful on the battlefield.
Another Important change for Warzones is that now players can see display between yourself and teammates, which should help team members to stay together. Additionally in this patch fix a bug that could allow a player to invincible once they get downed at this moment they switch seats in Tac Rover vehicle.
In this Modern war fear, season3 update weapons have been changed. In this update, the Akimbo weapon has two extra magazines instead of one. The VLK Rogue Shotgun and other all shotguns have a tighter spread when firing from the hip and they decreased shotgun slugs aim down.
Modern Warfare Season_3 Patch Notes:
General Fixes:
- In this update backend fixes to help memory Error 13-71 issues, If you still facing this error, please reach out to customer support.
- They also fix a bug where some players encounter corruption in the graphic that causes the screen to have a black shadow.
- Lowered the max amount XP and score given for Decoy Grenade assists.
- Fix a bug where more than one dog would be present in the squad walk in the main multiplayer mode.
- Fix a bug that makes clan tags appear twice
- Fixed a bug that could prevent players from speaking to their team in the custom match if they switched teams after the matched started.
To view the full list of Patch Notes Click Here.